Our Team

Address: 7204-B West Friendly Avenue
   Greensboro, NC 27410

Toll Free: 866-212-5409
Phone: (336) 346 - 1130
Fasmile: (336) 346 - 1131

Customer Service

Carter F. Davenport - Consultant CLU, ChFC


(e) [email protected]
(p) 336.346.1130 ext. 22
Profile: LinkedIn

Dan R. Parker - Consultant CLU, ChFC, REBS


(e) [email protected]
(p) 336.346.1130 ext. 23

Allene D. Spruill - Consultant/Voluntary Plans Administrator

(e) [email protected]
(p) 336.346.1130 ext. 12
Profile: LinkedIn

Randall W. Spener - Consultant

(e) [email protected]
(p) 336.346.1130 ext. 14

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